


Lesson 14

Examples of prepositions Some
In, with,by,without 

1.  example sentences with in, by, with and without.
• She goes to school in an uniform.
• By studying hard, you can pass in the exams without failing.
•A person with a beard came into the space.
We use in with clothes to describe what somebody is wearing:
• She went out in a saree.
• He went to the school in his new uniform.

We use with to talk about of a person's body or parts of an animal's body:
• She is a little girl with long hair and black eyes.
•A ruminant is Associate in Nursing animal with a really long neck.

We use with to talk about part of an object or one thing that is included
in something:

1. My father has got a suitcase with wheels.
2. The room is full of shelves with books in them.

We use with to talk about using something in order to do an action:

• I cleaned my teeth with my new toothbrush.
• I cleaned the floor with a piece of cloth.

1. We use by + .. ing to talk about how people do things, and actions that produce particular results:

• You can change the temperature by turning this switch on.

2. We use without+... ing to talk about not doing something. We often use without + ing to say that we are surprised that an action does not happen but we expect it to happen:

• She left the house while not closing the door. ( and she didn't close the door)

Prepositions of time : at,in,on

We use

• at for a precise
• in for months,years,centuries and long periods
• on for days and dates

at in on
precise time months, years,centuries, and long periods days and dates
at 3 o'clock in May on Sunday
at 10.30 am in summer on Tuesday
at noon in the morning on 6 March
at dinner time in 1990 on 25 December,2010

Look at these examples:
• I have a meeting at 9 am.
• The shop closes at midnight.
• Jane went honme at lunchtime.
• In England, it often snows in December.
• There would be a lot of progress in the next century.
• Do you work on Mondays?
• Her birthday is on 20 November.
• Wherever can you air January 1 Day?

Notice the use of the preposition of time at in the following expressions:

Expression Example
at night The stars shine at night
at the weekend I don't usually work at the weekend
at Christmas/Easter I stay with my family at Christmas
at the same time We finished the test at the same
at present He's not home at present

Notice the use of the preposition of time in and on in the following expression:

in on
in the morning on Tuesday morning
in the morning(s) on Saturday morning(s)
in the afternoon(s) on Sunday afternoon(s)
in the evening(s) on Monday evening(s)

When we say last, next, every, this we have a tendency to don't use at, in, on.
• Father went to London last June. (not in last June)
• He's coming back next Tuesday. (not on next Tuesday)
• We go to our village every Eid. (not at every Eid)
• We'll call you this evening. (not in this evening)

★Next,I will talk about Modals

Also read this:
* Parts Of Speech
* Noun
* Countable Noun
* Uncountable Noun 
* Adjective
* Verb
* Adverb
* Types Of Adverb 

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