Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Types of Noun

In the previous lesson you learnt about various kinds of nouns.In this lesson you will look at two types of nouns-counteble and uncountable.In this lesson you can learn
• Which nouns can you count?
• Can you find any nouns that you cannot count?
• Which nouns take an article before them?

Uncountable Nouns

Lesoon 4

Uncountable nouns are the exact opposite of Countable Nouns. These nouns are the names of things that cannot be counted and have only a singular form.

These nouns use singular verbs in a sentence.

. The furniture was new. (Furniture is an uncountable noun and therefore, we use the singular 'was' in referring to it.)
.Is 250gm of sugar enough? (Sugar is an uncountable noun as sugar
itself cannot be counted. It can only be weighed.)
. He is praised for his honesty.- Honesty is an uncountable noun as it
has no plural and cannot be counted in physical terms either.

List of some Uncountable Nouns

General Abstract
homework advise
equipment help
luggage fun
clothing recreation
furniture enjoyment
machinery information
gold knowledge
silver news
cotton patience
glass happiness
jewellery progress

Using Countable & Uncountable Nouns

Look at the following list and notice which are used with countable and uncountable nouns:

Words used with countable nouns only

a a doctor, a pen,a meal,a class,a college
many many cups,many books,many libraries, many fights
few few questions, few tablets, few apples,few holidays, few countries
a few a few questions,a few problems, a few issues
Words used with uncountable nouns only
much much money,much time,mucb food,much water,much energy
little little trouble,little meat,little patience
a little bit of a little bit of sleep,a little bit of rain

Words used with both noun

the countable the monkeys, the schools, the teachers, the boats, the bananas
uncountable the machinery, the luggage, the grass,the knowledge
some countable some tables,some stores,some grapes,some cities, some nures
uncountable some time,some news, some bread,some salt
any countable any socks,any bathrooms, any ideas, any beliefs
uncountable any advise,any soap,any gold,any homework
no countable no magazines, no pilots, no chocolates, no markers,no rings
uncountable no trouble, no money,no grass,no scenery, no furniture
enough countable enough plates,enough onions,enough restaurants
uncountable enough time,enough wisdom, enough rice,enough courage

Note: Usage of few, a few, little, a little

The expressions a little and a few mean some.

We use a little with singular nouns.


I have a little money.

We use a few with plural nouns.


Kaberi has a few friends.

Note that there are differences of meaning when you use a little / a few or little
few with nouns. Without the article, the words have a restricted or negative

a little means 'some'
little means 'hardly any'


I need a little money. That means -I need some money.

I need little money. That means -I need hardly any money.

Again read about the differences between a few and few.

a few = some
few = hardly any


A few friends visited me. - Some friends visited me.
Few friends visited e,.Hardly any friends visited me.

Next,i will talk about Adjectives

Also read this:
* Parts of speech
* Noun
* Countable Noun

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