Thursday, October 18, 2018


The first day I talked about Parts of speech

Noun-- What is a noun?What different types of nouns are there in English?What roles do nouns play in a sentence?


Lesson 2

In pairs,discuss the following questions:

a) What is a noun?
b) What different types of nouns are there in English?
c) What roles do nouns play in a sentence?

Noun is one of the eight parts of speech. You must have read about noun in
your previous classes. Do you remember what kinds of words nouns are? Read
the story below and underline the nouns.

Types Of Nouns:

  1. Common Noun
  2. Proper Noun
  3. Abstract Noun
  4. Concrete Noun
  5. Collective Noun   

Common nouns: These are the general names of people,places,things,or ideas.

Proper nouns:This type of noun has two features: i) lt names a specific [usually a one-of-a-kind] item, and ii) It begins with a capital letter [no matter where it occurs in a sentence.]
The table below shows examples of common nouns and proper nouns:

Common Noun Proper Noun
writer Humayun Ahamed
teacher Prof. Abdur Razzaque
boy Shubho
city Khulna
mango Langra
school Ideal High School

Abstract nouns: Look at the following list. Can you touch or see any of
them? Can you count any of them?

peace conductspeed taste
warmth courage experience evil
hospitality leisure time liberty

They name something that you cannot experience with your five senses -they do not physically exist.

Concrete nouns: Concrete nouns physically exist and can be experienced by the five senses.

For example:

Can you chase them away with your sharp horns?

Horns is an example of a concrete noun. You can see horns of an animal and touch them with your finger and smell its breath. Look at this chart contrasting abstract and concrete nouns:

Abstract Noun Concrete Noun
love table
intelligence laptop
kindness cow
mercy plants
honesty building

Collective nouns: These are nouns that refer to a group of things. Look at the
chart below:

army council
audience department minority
board faculty navy
crowd family senate
class farm society
committee group team
company jury troupe
corporation majority

What do nouns do?
Nouns can do lots of things in sentences. Let's look at some of the jobs noun.

1. Subjects are nouns that tell us who or what a sentence is about.

e.g. Maya kicked the ball.

2. Direct objects are nouns that receive the action of certain kinds of verbs (transitive active verb)

e.g. Maya kicked the ball.

3. Indirect objects are nouns that receive the direct pbject

e.g.Mary kicked ya the ball.

4. Objects of prepositions are nouns that come after prepositions in prepositional phrases.

e.g.Maya kicked the ball to Jova

Next,I will talk about   Countable Noun

*if you don't read my previous post.plz read that first

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