
In this lesson I will discuss the following questions:
a) What is an article?
b) What different types of articles are there in English?
c) What roles do articles play in a sentence?

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Less🅾n 11

Article-An article could be a word that's used before a noun to indicate whether or not the noun refers to something specific or not. A, an and the are articles.

Look at some more examples of articles:


I need a chair.

In the sentence on top of we discover the article 'a'.It shows us thatthe speaker does not need a specific chair. He can have any chair.

Can I have an apple, please?

In the sentence on top of we discover the article 'an'.It shows us that the speaker does not want any specific apple. He can have any apple.

I want the apple on the books.

In the sentence above we findthe article 'the'.It shows North American nation that the speaker desires a particular apple.

You know that in English,there are two kinds of articles.

Types of Article:
1. Definite Article
2. Indefinite Article

Now, let's have a clear idea about them

The Definite Article 

For example:

 The box is small.

The definite article tells us that the noun is specific.By using a definite article,the speaker talks s about a particular (or known) thing.The definite article in English is 'the'.

• The car my father bought broke down.
• He incorporates a son and a girl.The daughter is a doctor.
• The actors were really good.
• I bear in mind the day I initial met you.

The are often used before each singular and plural nouns.

• The pen she gave me was very beautiful.
• The flowers on the table are nice.

The Indefinite Article

For example:
I need a box

The article tells North American country that the noun isn't specific.The speaker talks concerning anybody of that kind of factor.

The indefinite articles in English are 'a'and 'an.'


I need a pen.
(The speaker doesn't tell us which pen s/he needs.S/he simply needs a pen, any pen.)

Liza wants to see a movie.
(The speaker doesn't tell us which movie Liza wants to see. She wants to see any movie.)

Mr. Alam has a car.
(The speaker doesn't tell us which car Mr. Alam has. He has a car, unspecific-no details are given.)

Now, let's find out the different uses of a and an. A and 'an' have the same

We use "a" before a consonant and 'an' before a vowel.

Now compare:

a dog-----------------an apple
a building--------- an umbrella
a country---------- an eye
a professor-------- an hour
a university------- an orange

We use 'a' and 'an' solely  before a singular noun.We cannot use 'a' and 'an'
before a plural noun.

• Correct: a car. [correct]
Incorrect: a cars. [incorrect]
• Correct: an orange. [correct]
Incorrect: a oranges [incorrect]

More examples of articles: 

1. Examples of sentences with a/an and the:

• They live in a big house.
• hey live in the big house on the cofner

2. We can use a/an with a singular noun:

• I bought a book.

3. We can use the with singualr and plural nouns:

• I put the ticket in my pocket.
• I paid for the tickets in cash.

4. We often use an adjective after a/an or the before a noun:

• I bought a cheap ticket.
• The cheap tickets are sold out.

Next,I will talk about Uses of Articles 

Also read this:
*Modal Verb
*Types Of Adverb

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