Tuesday, October 23, 2018


In this lesson i will discuss following questions:
a) What is a verb?
b) What different types of verbs are there in English?
c) What roles do verb play in a sentence?


Lesson 6

A word or phrase that describes an action, condition or experience is a verb. The words 'run', 'keep', and 'feel' are all verbs. The grammatical sorts of verbs embrace  variety,person and tense.

Be: am, is, are, was, were, being, been
Do: does, do, did
Have: has, have, had, having

Modal Auxiliary verb

Modal auxiliary verbs are also auxiliary verbs. They are will, could, may, might, must, ought to, shall, should, will, and would. (These never change their forms.)

A verb phrase is created of the auxiliary verb(s) and also the main verb. In the examples below, the verb phrase is underlined with main verb in bold:

For example, He is reading a book. Here "is reading' is a verb phrase where is'=an auxiliary verb and 'reading,=main verb

Types of Verbs:

  1. Regular Verbs
  2. Irregular Verbs
  3. Transitive Verbs  
  4. Intransitive Verbs 

Now, let's try to find out the differences between regular and irregular Verbs.

Regular Verbs

Those verbs that form their past participle with 'd' or 'ed' are regular verbs.These verbs do not undergo major changes while changing forms.

1. If the verb ends with a vowel, only 'd' is added. For example:

Present tense Past tense
share shared
scare scared

2. If the verb ends with a consonant, 'ed' is added. For example:

Present tense Past tense
want wanted
shout shouted
kill killed

Irregular Verbs

These type of verbs undergo considerable changes when changing forms.

Present tense Past tense
go went
run run
think thought
seek sought

Transitive Verb

When a verb takes an object, it is called transitive verb. Look at the example below:

He has kicked the ball.

We shared the idea together.

Here, kick and share are transitive verbs because they have objects and without these objects e.g. the ball, the idea;he has kicked and we shared' are incomplete

In fact, transitive verbs transfer their actions to the object.

Here are some examples of transitive verbs:

I want an apple.
He is carryinga suitcase.
She looked at me.

Intransitive verb

When a verb does not take an object, it is called intransitive verb. Intransitive verb means a verb without an object. Here are some examples of intransitive verbs:

She shouted loudly.
She was singing.
Dogs bark.
She is laughing.

Some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive depending of how they are
used in sentences.

Intransitive Transitive
She sang She sang a song
the bell rang He rang the bell
We ate We ate some fish

Next,i will talk about Adverb

Also read this:
Parts of speech
Countable Noun
Uncountable Noun

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