Modal Verb



Lesson 13

Uses Of modal verbs

Must not vs Do not have to

Must not suggests that you simply area unit prohibited from doing something.
Do not have to suggest that someone is not required to do one thing.

• You must not eat that. (lt is forbidden, it is not allowed.)
• You don't have to eat that. (You will if you would like to, However  it's not necessary)

Should is most ordinarily accustomed build recommendations or offerrecommendation.It also can be accustomed categorical obligation furthermore as expectation.

• When you go to Agra, you should see the Taj. (recommendation)
• You should focus more on study and less on games. (advice)
• I really should be in the class by 9.00 am. (obligation)
• By now, they should already be in Dhaka. (expectation)

Have to

Have to is employed to specific  certainty,necessity, and obligation.

• This answer has to be corrèct. (certainty)
• The milk has to be stirred continuously to prevent burning. (necessity)
• They have to leave early. (obligation)

Ought to

Ought to is used to advise or make recommendations.Ought to also expresses assumption or expectation as well as strong probability,often with the idea that something is desirable. Ought not (without 'to') is employed to advise against doing one thing.


• You ought to stop smoking. (recommendation)
• Robi ought to get the promotion. (lt is expected because he deserves
• This piece of land ought to increase in value. (probability)
• You ought not waste your time. (advice against doing something)

Uses of shall, will and would

Now read the following sections to know about the use of will/would.

In certain contexts, will and would are interchangeable, but there are differences. Notice that the shrunk type 'll is incredibly oftentimes used for will.

Will can be used to express willingnes

• I'll washthe disheslif you dry them up.
• We're going to the movies. Will you join us?It also can categorical intention (especially within the initial person)

It can also express intention (especially in the first person):

• I'll do my exercises later on.

It can also express prediction:

specific: The meeting will be over soon.
timeless: Too much rain will destroy crops.
habitual: He will eat bananas in the morning.

Would can also be used to express willingness:
• Would ycu please take off your coat?

[Note:If you don't see the table fully,turn on desktop site option]

Look at the table and see the meaning, function and uses of modals

Modals Meaning Expressing Example
must to have to strong obligation I must stop once when the traffic lights flip red
to be very probable logical conclusion(deduction) he should be terribly  tired once such monumental work
must not not to be allowed to prohibition You must not smoke in the hospital
can to be able to ability I can swim
to be allowed to permission Can I use your phone please?
it is possible possibility Smoking can cause cancer
could to be able to ability in the past When I was younger,I could stay up all night and not get tired
to be allowed to more polite permission Excuse me,could I just say something?
it is possible possibility It could rain tomorrow
may to be allowed to permission May I use your phone,please?
it is possible,probable possibility,probability It may rain tomorrow
might it is possible,probable weak possibility,probability I might return and visit,you in America next year if I can save enough money
need necessary necessity Need I say more?
need not not necessary lack of necessity/absence of obligation I need not get any tomatoes,There are plenty in the fridge
should/ought to used to say or ask what the correct or best things to do moderate obligation I should/ought to visualise a doctor.I have a terrible headache
to recommend associate degree action or to indicate that it's necessary advise You should / ought to revise your lessons.

Next,I will talk about Articles  

Also read this:
*Types Of Adverbs

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